1910 - 1919

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1912 Apr 1, ~22h15m Tycho Visible like a bright spot standing out in the dark slate-gray shadow. Only Tycho was seen during the lunar eclipse LeRoy LeRoy 1912; Fisher 1924
1912 May 19 Dark side Small red glowing area noticed on shadow side of moon Valier Valier 1912
1912 May 20 Leibnitz Mts. area Glowing line of light into dark side Franks Franks obs. book
1912 Sep 25 Pico B Haze spreading from W end of crater Pickering Rawstron 1937
1913 Mar 22, ~11h57m N/A During eclipse totality, there remained visible to the NW only a luminous point not much larger than the planet Mars and of the same color (Lunar eclipse) G.Jackson Jackson 1913; Fisher 1924
1913 Jun 15 South Distinct small reddish spot Maw Webb 1962 ed.
1915 Jan 31 Littrow Seven white spots arranged like a Greek gamma Burgess Eng. Mech. Vol. 101
1915 Apr 21 S of Posidonius Noticed special occurrence S of large circle Posidonius which he took as evidence of water vapor Houdard Houdard 1917
1915 Apr 23 Clavius Narrow, straight beam of light from crater A to crater B Cook B.A.A. Mem. 1916
1915 Dec 11 Mare Crisium Particularly bright spot like star on N shore Thomas Eng. Mech. Vol.103
1916 Oct 10 Plato Pickering's craterlet No.59 involved in reddish shadow and disappeared. Usually distinctly seen under similar illumination. Maggini Sci. Amer. 1919
1917 Jan 8, ~07h45m Dionysius Point on rim of crater shone like a small star for sometime after entering the eclipse shadow (Lunar eclipse) W.F.A. Ellison Ellison 1917; Fisher 1924
1919 Nov 7, ~23h45m Tycho, vicinity Long ray in direction of Longomontanus remained visible glowing in weak gray-green light during whole eclipse (until clouds stopped observation) (Lunar eclipse) Fock Fock 1920; Fisher 1924

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